Forum Thread: Beginning Palmistry

Jim, how'd you get involved in Palmistry to begin with?  I've enjoyed your videos and was really curious.  Did you feel like you had a gift early on?  I'd love to hear your story.

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Hi Sean ... My Curiosity  in Palmistry stemmed from an early age. As did my intense curiosity with many other  reading Techniques.I became fascinated with Hand Analysis whilst studying  Graphology and Body Language and Faces ,I was already an excepted Card reader .. But I needed more ! And what better than the universe's signature written on the hand by order of the Brain.Or so I Hoped .,I discovered an old classic book by the late  William Benham(A practical treatise on the laws of scientific hand reading ) First published 1900, I was impressed .. after reading a few other palmistry books I realised that W.Benham was a palmistry obsessive !

 I liked this and the whole book made me feel like a student rather than a critic or marketing target. I knew there was quite a bit in palmistry that could be criticised, but my curiosity about similarities amongst  people and a gut feeling that there was some type of information to be redeemed from the hand and in people type , made me focus on what Parameters Palmistry was offering.I researched the sources.. Bit by bit a picture started emerging... My test subjects gave me very positive feed back .. At first I concentrated on personality traits , I am really pleased and convinced by my personal findings on this . And secondly I looked at what is known as the 'Life Map' Which is the reading of the future and the past by the Lines on the palm and their junctions and directions and qualities. This area is Interesting but can have mixed results and can be too open for interpretation or manipulation by inexperience , However I do noticed lines coming and going or breaking and repairing  on people at certain times (Watch For Later Video on Attachment lines ) Especially the attachment lines .. They are the little lines on the edge of your hand below the little finger...These can split at times of trouble and repair when over it.  ..   

 When I  first started reading  I was very nervous , As you can imagine there are mixed views about palmistry which can result in being the centre of ridicule or scorned at like a Gypsy selling pegs !! But those who tried having a reading always seemed to change and were grateful, This encouraged me further !  But My curiosity with the nature and findings of the hand seemed to fuel me on  even if I had of  ended up burnt at the stake !! ...

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